MTC Quality Manual - Skills Schemes

Quality Assurance

Mountain Training administers personal skills training for individuals and award schemes for leaders, instructors and coaches working with climbing, hill walking and mountaineering groups. Mountain Training and their providers educate, offer advice and promote good practice.

Mountain Training manages the quality assurance of their national schemes through individual Mountain Training national training organisations. This manual outlines how Mountain Training England and Mountain Training Cymru work collaboratively with their skills scheme providers and course tutors to achieve this.

Mountain Training coordinates skills scheme course delivery through its network of approved providers. These courses are a practical introduction to the skills required to get started in hill and mountain walking and climbing activities. The skills scheme courses form no part of the leadership award schemes and do not include any measure or assessment of competence.

Providers must sign (digitally) and adhere to the obligations outlined in the provider agreement. Our requirements are highlighted throughout the 'Provider and course staff area' and should be consider mandatory.

1. Provider Responsibilities
2. Course Administration - providers
3. Tutor Responsibilities
4. Course Administration - tutors
5. Course Tutor Requirements
6. Maintaining Approval - providers and tutors
7. Professional Conduct
8. Observers
9. Course Delivery and Ratios
10. Equipment
11. Base Facilities
12. Venues
13. Adverse Weather Conditions
14. Candidate Management System and Digital Logbook
15. Moderation Visits
16. Continuing Professional Development
17. Equality
18. Incidents and Near Misses
19. Annual Audit
20. Support for providers, tutors and participants