Coaching provider area

Coaching Provider and Course Staff Area

Quality Manual

Updated 2019

These pages set out the policies, procedures and quality standards for the provision of Mountain Training UK & Ireland’s Coaching Scheme training and assessment courses. It forms an integral part of the MTUK&I Coaching Provider Agreement.


  • Mountain Training UK & Ireland’s role is to provide schemes of training and assessment for leaders, instructors and coaches of groups participating in mountaineering and related activities, to offer advice and to promote good practice among the mountaineering community.
  • Mountain Training UK & Ireland is recognised by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and its schemes of training and assessment are approved by the Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS).
  • Mountain Training UK & Ireland believes that it is implicit in any national training scheme that a system for maintaining standards is in place to ensure quality of provision.
  • Communications are maintained with course providers and staff of Mountain Training UK & Ireland qualifications via moderation visits, email/telephone and during attendance at seminars, workshops and conferences.

The Coaching Provider Quality Manual comprises three sections: policies, procedures and quality standards. Providers are required to operate according to these jointly agreed components and should therefore be familiar with the entire content of the manual. Additional information is contained within the Coaching Scheme Handbook, and on Mountain Training’s website. Providers should refer to these resources regularly.

Note: In this document we refer to ‘dual providers’ – these are providers that are approved by more than one national Mountain Training organisation to deliver multiple schemes.



Dual providers should comply with the safeguarding policy of their associated national Mountain Training organisation.
Coaching Scheme only providers should comply with the policy of either, MTE (for operating predominantly in England and Wales), MTS (for operating in Scotland), or MTBI (for operating on the island of Ireland).


1. Course Admin
2. Why we don’t use FAIL
3. Quality Standards
4. Equipment
5. Course Staffing, Duration & Ratios
6. Foundation Coach training
7. Foundation Coach assessment
8. Additional Information for Foundation Coaches
9. Development Coach training
10. Development Coach assessment
11. Additional Information for Development Coaches
12. Performance Coach
13. Reassessments
14. Moderation Visits
15. Continuing Professional Development
16. Annual Audit
17. Support for providers, directors, staff and candidates
18. Equality