Rock Skills Learn to Lead Sport Climbs
Learn how to confidently lead sport routes by getting to grips with clipping bolts, finding rests, and completing safety checks.
Course length: 2 days
Minimum age: 14
Previous experience required: have climbed at least 20 indoor or outdoor routes and have experience of belaying on at least 20 occasions
Course location: Single pitch (short) crags across the UK and Ireland
Course covers: Choosing venues and routes, moving well when leading, checking fixed equipment, clipping when leading, threading the lower off, belaying a leader, lowering and managing risk
Ideal for: People who are ready to learn about leading sport climbs on rock
The climbing partnership is an important element of lead climbing. You are vital to each other’s safety, which is why clear communication is a major part of every Learn to Lead Sport Climbs course. This connection provides the space you need to move well on rock and you’ll learn to spot and use natural rests and how to manage the anxiety associated with climbing above a bolt.
There’s nothing quite like being immersed in the world of rock climbing to help you thrive as a developing sport climber, which is why our Learn to Lead Sport Climbs course is as practical as possible.
Sport climbing has much in common with leading indoors, but there are some key differences. The climbing surface, the clipping of quickdraws, the unknown history of the fixed equipment and the need to rethread the anchor at the top of many routes all need to be considered. A Learn to Lead Sport Climbs course aims to introduce the skills required to progress to leading sport routes, underpinned by safe practice and good decision making.