Mountain Training requires evidence of a current first aid qualification at assessment for all our leader and instructor qualifications. Currently, across all of Mountain Training’s outdoor qualification schemes except Camping Leader, the minimum requirement is that such a course must involve at least two full days or sixteen hours of instruction and include an element of assessment. For Camping Leader and all of the indoor qualifications, the minimum requirement is at least one day or eight hours of instruction, including an element of assessment.
There is no first aid requirement for Indoor Climbing Assistant because they are not responsible for the group.
For Camping Leader, Climbing Wall Instructor and Climbing Wall Development Instructor:
You must have attended and completed a first aid course which involved at least one full day or eight hours of instruction and included an element of assessment.
For all other schemes (except Indoor Climbing Assistant):
You must have attended and completed a first aid course which involved at least two full days or sixteen hours of instruction and included an element of assessment.